This biannual juried exhibition will feature 15-20 artists from the Southeast Chapter of Wisconsin Visual Artist. Each artist selected will present a small cohesive show of 2-10 pieces. The artwork selected by the artist should be able to stand alone as a solo show.

You must be a current member in good standing of the Southeast Chapter of Wisconsin VisualArtists. Your membership must be active through August 15, 2025. Artists who participated in the Artist Showcase 2023 are not eligible to enter the 2025 Showcase.

To join WVA or to renew your membership go to the WVA website. Current members who
renew their membership early will have a full year added to their current membership.


There is a $30 entry fee required to apply to the Artist Showcase 2025.


This is a juried exhibition. We are pleased to welcome Aron Packer as a juror for the ArtistShowcase 2025. Learn more about Aron below. The Exhibition Team reserves the right to refuse a piece that is not properly entered or deemed inappropriate for public display.


The following files and information will be needed to complete your application for the Artist Showcase
 An account with
 8x10 headshot of you
 Title of your show
 Artist Statement, between 100 and 500 characters, including spaces, saved as PDF file
 Artist Biography, between 100 and 500 characters, including spaces, saved as PDF file
 High Quality images of artwork, each file must be less than 5MB
o You may submit up to three (3) images for each 3D piece submitted
 You must submit a minimum of two (2) pieces and a maximum of ten (10) pieces. The
work submitted in your applications will be the pieces hung at the Anderson.


● All artwork submitted must fit within a 10’ x 10’ wall/floor space.
● Artists may submit work that is 2D wall hanging, 3D wall hanging, or 3D free-standing or
any combination of thereof.
● Must be original work; no reproductions of artwork will be accepted.
● Works must be free of copyright infringement.
● 2D work must be wired for hanging. No sawtooth hangers are allowed.
● Labels with the artist’s name and artwork title must be attached to artwork upon
● Please attach felt tips, silicone pads or some type of buffer that won’t scratch walls
on the bottom corners
● Instructions for any work needing special assembly or equipment should be noted on
the entry and provided with the piece when dropped off. You should be ready to
assist in assembly/hanging.


Image Size:
o Minimum 1800 pixels on the longest side (this is equivalent to 6 inches at 300 ppi/dpi).
o Acceptable formats for images are jpg, jpeg, tif, or png.
o Minimum file size is 1MB (1000kB); maximum file size is 5MB.
o Images should not include mat and frame unless they are integral to or a part of
the artwork.
o Documentation imagery with blur or reflection will not be accepted.
o Three (3) images or video for 3D artwork will be accepted.
 File Naming:
o Image files MUST use the following naming convention:
o For example, John Smith’s artwork titled “My Painting” will be named
o Do not include quotation marks.
o For 3D submissions, name the file as above and append an underscore and
number to the file name. For example: SmithJ_MySculpture_1,
SmithJ_MySculpture_2, SmithJMySculpture_3. o Do not use spaces or special
characters other than an underscore between your name and title. If the artwork
title or artist’s name has special characters, leave them out. Upper/Lower case
does not matter.


Delivery to The Anderson Arts Center will be Thursday, June 5 - Sunday, June 8 from 11:00 AM –
4:00 PM. Detailed delivery instructions, including shipment, will be provided to accepted artists.


By entering work in this exhibition, the artist gives Southeast Chapter of WVA and The Anderson Center
for the Arts the right to use images for digital and print promotional purposes. Artists will be credited for
image use.


All application questions should be addressed to: Patti Belbin at

Work may or may not be for sale to be eligible for the exhibition. The Southeast Chapter of WVA and
The Anderson Center for the Arts will make every effort to encourage the sale of work available for
purchase. In the event of a sale, The Anderson will retain a 40% commission. Artwork must remain on
site until the final date of the exhibition.


By accepting entry into the ARTIST SHOWCASE 2025, artists commit to exhibit their work for the
duration of the exhibit. Any alteration of the artwork causing substantial deviance from the entered
image may disqualify the artwork from the exhibit at the sole discretion of the Southeast Chapter/WVA
Exhibition Team.
Full delivery/shipping instructions will be emailed to the finalists upon acceptance.


Wisconsin Visual Artists – Southeast Chapter is not liable for damage to artwork in transit or during the
exhibit. Venue is not liable for damage to artwork in transit. Appropriate insurance for the artwork is
provided by the venue while on the premises during the exhibit.


Submissions will be made through ArtCall. Visit our Statewide Calls link and follow the link to enter the
show to begin the submission process. New users will be required to create an ArtCall profile with user
login and password. Existing ArtCall users need only login and follow the process for a new submission.
The preferred method of payment is through a credit card on the ArtCall site (using Stripe). Checks are
accepted by using the Promo Code "AS2025. After you make the submission, you will receive an email
telling you where to send the check. If a check is not received within 7 days of entry, the submissions will
not be included in the jurying process.


Aron Packer
Starting in the late 80s as an American folk art dealer, Aron Packer built his early
career focusing on outsider and self taught artists. Also exhibiting unusual objects
such as sideshow banners, tattoo drawings, and wild looking magic tricks, his early venue was an apartment
gallery, and he became known for a broad yet unusual vision. He added contemporary art and established his
first public gallery in 1992 in Wicker Park, joining an alternative gallery scene that included Beret
International, Ten in One, and Oscar Friedl Gallery. As business forces changed over the past 25+ years, Packer
migrated to locations in River North and the West Loop, continuing to expand his notable group of artists. In
2015 he closed Packer Schopf Gallery on West Lake Street after nearly a decade of ambitious shows. 
Currently Aron is the Director and Specialist of Fine and Outsider Art at Potter and Potter
"As the Fine and Outsider Art Specialist at Potter & Potter, I never know exactly what will come through our
doors. To a certain extent, auction houses play the cards they’ve been dealt - which keeps the entire team on
its toes.

Wisconsin Visual Artists is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership-based
organization of visual artists working in all media and styles. All visual artists living in
Wisconsin may become WVA members. Full history, information, and benefits are listed online.

User Entry Process Tutorial